Friday, December 31, 2010

happy new years and heres to a skinny one

Hope you all have a fun low calorie night and just a quick update back down to 97 and got my snake bites they are helpful cause I can barely eat anything due to it not fitting in anymore so now I'm almost forced to starve :) 60 by next year hopefully by summer! lets set are goals high and raise our determination higher!


Friday, December 24, 2010

holiday season

Sorry I have been gone but if you have been following for a while you know why as soon as holidays hit family is like "vist meeee, give me attentionnnnn" its terriable as so I spend days being thrown from household to household for two weeks. But more importantly I pray like hell that I don't gain weight this Christmas season and on new years as the clock strikes 12 I will swear my allegiance to 60, to be 60 pounds this time next year, to stay true to ana. Well just a quick message hope you ladies have a amazing holiday and remember to stay supe strong!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

oh the joy of numbers!

Its terrible I know! but its such a great satisfaction when you are cooking for friends and making sure that they eat more than you :) watching them shove calorie after calorie in their mouths, especially when they are skinny....skinnier than me.

counting every calorie the days go on and on just like the list of foods I don't eat; meat, grains, potatoes, milk, butter, margarine, and anything with flour...that's about everything except vegetables and fruit but fruits are killers.....everything is a killer. I finally have a reason to never eat mc.donalds again! I havent in MONTHS but everything everyione would say like "so much salt" "so much sugar!" non of it really got to me but heres what did:
it takes 6 months, SIX MONTHS, before it is fully digested.....!!! Holy efin cow cakes that's narsty!
I am going light shopping today, yep never thought I would say that and especially never thought I would mean ceiling fixtures lights but it happened. not say-in I like it just say-in it happened. I also have to read a WHOLE book for a final test in english tommarow, and clean the basement....holy shizz. Well hope you had a fun day,


Monday, December 13, 2010

exams are gonna kill me! If i gain stress weight I'll be SO mad.

So exams are here that's why I have been gone so much. We have final projects AND exams now, and they are all at the same time. Every single one is a killer because they are so time consuming that means no time for exercise or anything. I have decided that I will lose one pound for every follower because I heard something similar on one of the blogs I follow and I found it really thin-spiring. I'll try to blog more cause I really miss it but lately its just hard. We have my room more painted and I cant wait to have it up because then I can finally start building my weight loss world around me! My mini fridge, scales, measuring tape, ect. can have a permanent home. I formed the beginning of a dance crew with April and yes I know I'm not supposed to be her friend anymore but maybe if I just don't let my self care alot it will work and hey dancing is exercise.
I hope you are all prepped for the winter its freezing as hell especially for us. I'm off to do oliver twist...again I really hate this.


Monday, December 6, 2010

papayas the shit, that diet was shit

Diet didnt work at ALL I'm 103 now fuck me kill this diet I want to cause so much pain to whoever posted it like x100. Although it may not be the diet failking it may just be stress overload retaining fat because over this week I had 3 unit tests one of which was a final exam 1 essay 22 chapters of questions and a shiz load more. Exam periods SUCK. On a brighter note papayas are the best thing this plant has ever giver birth to like no joke which is weird cause I have never had someone come up and tell me "hey yo papayas the shit!"  out of everything I have ever told to bare me childreen this tops all.....Ima go check the calorie count WOW 1 cup of papaya is rufly 55 calories not great but do able, I think this week is gonna be a papaya, water, gum, and pepsie zero week I need to get back to 97 ASAP!
