Monday, November 29, 2010

first diet that dictates ...not elimantes food

I hear it works and you can loes up to 18 pounds ig is for 9 days and goes like this
day 1- 3 = only rice, boiled with a little bit of salt
day 4-6 = only chiken, no skin, cook in most greece draining way possiable
day 6-9 = apples
and only water.

Today at school I told the class about how on saterday I tryed portugese food for the first time and - in union- they all sayed WHAT!? because the whole class is portugese and so is most of the town, it was soooo freaky.
Whats funnier is that I told them right after Mara told them about a massive car crash killing alot of people that happend this weekend. And so you know and dont think I just run around telling everyone about my life it was share your wekend time....yeah, brings you back to kindergarten ai.
Also this weekend I hung out with brigette which lead to handiung out with shanice at her new house and I now consider them friends...thats big for me. They are cool and I dont ahve to hold back or feel lame with how I act. Even better I cross a tick of my list at the bottem of this page =)



  1. that sounds like a good diet let me know how it goes
    stay strong hun

  2. I'm so envious of people who can eat rice, it's so fluffy and yummy. Alas, the carbs turn to cement in my stomach! Heavy discomfort! So sad!

    I love that tattoo, its so feminine. I'll bet getting it done tickled like hell! Art Nouveau is my favourite movement, along with impressionism. (similar timeline)

    I love Portuguese food, spicy and very nice-y!

  3. Hey just started following your blog and am catching up on posts :) THe thinspo you post is just amazing!
    looking forward to updates :)
