Monday, November 1, 2010

fasting today for a skinnyer tommarow

I cant leave it at that theres to much i need to ramble about. Creepy stalker boy inst around anymore because I did the harshest thing by accident he was coming over during the school dance and when he was like and inch away I turned and BOLTED like dead RAN out the i said worst reflex to this life T~T

Halloween food drive went very well, there were those tight asses who were like "I donate through my church." and I was like "oh okay" my ass you do but over all some people gave me like BAGS full it was ballin esc. And Bridgette tagged along.

I am going to all nighter tonight because I need a real punch in the face to kick my fast off - awkwardly violent sentence much. and the dance was much fun, seems people talk to me more in the dark...thx guys and I was warm on Halloween night unlike everyone else. At the dance there were so many like...naked people it was weird bet they were cold unlike your sexy blanket over here....oh...that's sad.

one day, when I'm skinny enough I still wont wear that. Okay off to study shake spear, i gave you two thinspos a lil while ago so NONE 4 YOU! nightyy


  1. Haha, your blogs make me laugh. You're very entertaining, dear. Good luck for the all nighter, you can do it! Have a great week <3
    Stay superstrong <3
