Friday, June 15, 2012

Only open this if you a) want to hate me b) need a reason not to eat really bad

So what do you think about right before your about to eat something you shouldn't? Do you think oh whatever, do you think I'm ahead anyways, do you lie to yourself about how many calories are in it, do you tell yourself you throw it up later? Well here's the thing, it's a fact that you can only purge 80% of the calories out. And for all those making excuses let me tell you that your not ahead and it's not okay because no matter where you are it's still bad. Let me show you want all those days of skipping exorcise or allowing yourself to eat a few extra calories does--

This is what 112lbs looks like on a 5'2 girl with a BMI of 20.5 which is on the lower side of normal looks like, THIS is what all those charts telling you your underweight want you to look like:

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