Sunday, October 24, 2010

the past 3 days

sorry I was out the whole time so lets start friday-


 I want to The movies from midnight to seven a.m and I fell asleep in the theater, made new really cool acquaintances, and everyone loved the sweater I made I call that night a success. As soon as I got home I just crashed and didn't wake up till 4:30 p.m and that's only half an hour before I had to meet Bridgette so then I got a drive and April who woke up in my bed was very angry for some reason, is it bad that it happens so much I'm starting not to care?

Anyway at Bridgette it was so weird first time I have seen a touch computer but thats not why it was weird it was just strangely braidy bunchish, I felt very out of place. It was like I had just jumped into a sit com and I was just out of of place and was just weird they were getting along and....happy and like a loving family and I felt extremely weird. And changing in front of her I could see her looks when I took of my shirt her face just spelled it out like a death sentence F-A-T you could tell all she could think is how does she hide THAT under her clothes and of course her perfectly perfect body was screaming in terror like a the small wimpy kid being stared down by the school bully.


I woke up at Bridgette's ate a whole freaking pancake AND a coffee and then i came home but yeah now...


My month plan is to 100 cals a day but mostly fast every time possible but no penalty unless I do pass 250 then it one 2 day fast and if I pass 350 its a 3 day fast. What struck this is me and Bridgette watched super size me and I thought I'm gonna play supper down size me xD so wish me luck and I must be going because I'm fading from consciousness so bye lovelys.


1 comment:

  1. well im glad u had a good wkd
    wow thats a long time to b at the movies were they like having marathon or soetmhing
