Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Okay NOW im stressin @_@ HELP

I keep forgetting about gym and then remembering gym and almost having a spaz attack. In three months I am starting gym and by then I should be like 75 or 60 pounds, I'll be happy if I look good taking my clothes off in the change room (but theres still all those tall skinny ones) but is he going to weigh us? Oh gosh I hope not EEKKK *bites finger nails* and he does a thing where we record what we eat everyday for a week and hand it in. What should I do? I do it everyday anyway but somehow I don't think he will be satisfied with MY diet and Calorie intake and I dont feel like being found out. do I write in fake info? But I don't even remember what a normal person eats in a day anymore. And about the possible weigh in if you did it please riddle me this - does it happen? and can I wear clothes that I can hide weights in? HELP ME PLEASE

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