Monday, October 18, 2010

first fast and it was amazing :3

okay so I wrote about my binge on Friday right? well the following Saturday to Sunday I had a 43 hour fast, broken by my parents having a dinner party at which I got away with only 104 calories but I did notice my parents staring at my plate a lot and it pissed the hell out of me! Seriously find something else to look at you glutton. anyway that was my first fast...EVER it is so mega weird to think that is the first day in 14 years that I didn't eat anything EWW. that means for 5389 days I ate, stuffing myself with disgusting calories its a shock I'm as skinny as I am! So my plan is to have a 38 hour fast starting a little while ago. hey its weird I have only been alive 5389 days that is a weird, weird thing. I think ana and mia forgave me because I don't feel as lonely anymore. And that book I mentioned wasted by Marya Hornbacher is actually really good. Okay so that was my weekend hope yours was good to see you later.


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