Friday, December 24, 2010

holiday season

Sorry I have been gone but if you have been following for a while you know why as soon as holidays hit family is like "vist meeee, give me attentionnnnn" its terriable as so I spend days being thrown from household to household for two weeks. But more importantly I pray like hell that I don't gain weight this Christmas season and on new years as the clock strikes 12 I will swear my allegiance to 60, to be 60 pounds this time next year, to stay true to ana. Well just a quick message hope you ladies have a amazing holiday and remember to stay supe strong!



  1. Glad you postedd! can't wait for yoeur new posts :)
    Good luck with the holidays, I know you can do this.
    Stay Superstrong!
    -Molly <3

  2. goo dluck witht he holidays hun u cand o it

  3. Hello girls as you may have notice I have a new blogger once again!! The first time I was clumsy and deleted it the second time however my blog was reported and shut down!! Unfortunately for the person who reported me, they are unaware of my DETERMINATION and MOTIVATION to make a POSITIVE change!!

    I hope you all are having an AWESOME week and sorry I could not be there to share it with you. However I am back and hope we can support each other =)

    “Life's ups and downs provide windows of opportunity to determine your values and goals - Think of using all obstacles as stepping stones to build the life you want”
