Wednesday, November 10, 2010

long last I finnaly have my own scale *angels sing*

I got my scale and it is just the classic white dial scale which I love...correction lovED until of course it said I'm up a pound.....two freaking months and I have not lost a single thing. Well that's probably a lie, I probably lost some then lost control and gained it back. ether way I only have 1 month and a half to hopeful get down to at least 80 wait...or maybe not oh no they already said you don't get weighted. I have gym in the summer and I have this massive thing against sunlight but seriously if I get a tan someone is seriously gonna get hit with a sock full of butter HEY that's a good use of butter. so I planed to go to semi formal in a tux and do like a flower pretty boy style thing but then Bridgette raised the point people might think I'm a cross dresser and not talk to me and I know that they are jerks if they wont talk to me cause they think I'm a cross dresser and I know I wouldn't want to talk to them anyway but STILL now I will find a good mix yep yep. DAMMIT so much weight to go this SUCKS and since I'm right where my stupid fat body wants to be my stupid fat body wont drop all its stupid FAT self grrr. sigh.

stay skinny,


  1. I can relate to this post. I'm sort of at a plateau myself because I haven't lost a single thing in five days. Blah.

  2. im plateuaed as well hun it sucks doesnt it
    awesome pic
