Monday, October 11, 2010

calculators + uhhhhhhh

do you know how much i want a job? BAD!
so bad i could cry....seriously. Right now I'm saving my money to give to my friend to get xbox live to go on a date...BLEH.

I need a job to get a scale, my mom doesnt want to get one because she thinks I'll never get off it, shes right but still like bawls. Damn I also want clothes but I'm to fat, I'll drop 50 pounds then start that shiz. I'm sorry this whole uhhh post is me bitching but I'm in that kinda mood.

okay btw here are some good calculators who i semi-kinda-more than others-trust:

how much you lose everyday- 

BMI calculator-

Calculate Time Required to Reach Goal Weight
Calculate Daily Calorie Deficit Required to Reach Goal Weight
Calculate Weight Loss over a Period of Time -

you know I talk to you guys like there is a you guys but i know I'm the only one reading this.....T~T, sorry I'm not some profound anorexic/bulimic, I'm just a normal person T~T.... kpce

                                                                                                            xoxo (98)
                                                                                                                just me

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